Newsletter: Update on workshops and an open invitation
In this update, we can report that the Administration stream post-award workshops have concluded, and that the outputs of the three workshops have been reviewed by the participants.
We’d also like to invite anyone with an interest in research to attend our open house meeting on Wednesday 28 March.
A special workshop was undertaken with the Faculty of Biology, Medicine and Health, to look at clinical research requirements within the Research Lifecycle Programme.
The requirements gathering for the e-Research Infrastructure and Research Data Management streams has commenced.
The short notice between the award of the contract with PA Consulting and the start of the work stream made arranging workshops challenging; PA Consulting adapted their approach and replaced workshops with sessions gathering requirements from individuals or small groups. More than 30 academics across faculties and schools were interviewed. In addition to individual interviews, the following subject matter and specialist workshops were conducted, known as ‘Deep Dives’:
- Visioning workshop
- Intensive Computing Requirements
- Research Data Management
- Research Software Engineering, Support and Training
Further workshops are in the pipeline, such as:
- Focus groups and engagement with PhD students
- Emerging trends (eg Internet of Things, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Virtual/Augmented Reality and FinTech)
- Total Cost of Ownership
These workshops are all due to be concluded within the next two weeks.
There will be 2 workshops to check on findings, and to review solutions in the week commencing the 19th of March.
In addition to the various consultations, the programme team has been in touch with various school Directors of Research, asking for feedback in the project and to ensure information on the programme is cascaded through their networks.
We plan to launch a survey soon, to gather your feedback and opinions on University research. Watch out for messages from us via this newsletter, your local communications channels or your Research Lifecycle Champion.
Many thanks to those of you who were able to brave the wintry conditions and attend our ‘Introduction to the Research Lifecycle Programme’ event on Wednesday 28 February.
If you were unable to attend, you can watch a recording of the presentation and download the slides:
Two workshops will explore the findings of the e-Research Infrastructure and Research Data Management streams with a wide range of stakeholders:
- e-Research Infrastructure – 1pm-5pm Monday 19 March, Simon Building 4.50
- Research Data Lifecycle – 12 noon-4pm Wednesday 22 March, Roscoe Building 1.010
To attend either of these events, email rlp@manchester.ac.uk
An invitation to our open house event – Wednesday 28 March
Over the past few months, we’ve worked with many people across campus to gather their feedback, comments and thoughts on research at The University of Manchester, and we’d like to share our progress with you.
Our ‘open house’ event on 28 March is open to anyone at the University with an interest in research, and as well as updating you on where the programme is, we’re still keen to gather your opinions which will help us shape the programme. Register below: