Newsletter: More opportunities to get involved
We’re looking for more people to get involved in programme activities, including a search for a leadership role in our Research IT innovation community project. We’ve also got a few other opportunities to have your voice heard on how the programme is moving forward.
Research IT innovation community
There is currently a search underway for a leadership role in Change Project Q, which involves the creation of a Research IT innovation community. The aim of this project is to eliminate the existing problem of missed collaborative opportunities across research projects. Increasing the ability of researchers to share their expertise with each other will hopefully lead to more innovative research endeavours throughout the University. For anyone interested in finding out more about this role, please contact Kamie Kitmitto.
Video series
To explain what we’re aiming to deliver, we plan to develop a series of short 60-second videos to talk about the benefits of the programme. We have two volunteers covering the managerial levels of research already, and we would now love to include a non-managerial researcher. This will enable us to display the benefits of the RLP to people across the entire research community. If you would like to get involved, or know of anyone who would be suitable, then please email us.
Business case, governance model and communications strategy
The programme’s next business case is progressing smoothly, towards providing research with a new costing tool that will replace pFact and allow researchers more access to the costing of their projects.
Research governance boards have given the final approval of the programme’s proposed governance model. We still seek academic input to our programme board. The new governance structure is more streamlined and brings a clearer and more defined delivery pathway for the multiple projects the RLP is aiming to deliver.
The programme board approved Project Initiation Documents for our change projects. These include the change projects regarding increased compute capacities, orchestrating compute capacities, and building on our access to secure cloud resources.
The governance boards have also reviewed the communications strategy. This will go towards increasing our communications and networking ability across the University, leading to more accessible information about the progress of the programme and an increased ability to have your voice heard.
We are hosting many upcoming community engagement sessions where you can voice your priorities and concerns.
Management and Storage of Restricted Data (Project S)
Monday 5 November
FBMH: 9.30am-11.30am, Simon Building 4.38
Wider University: 12.30pm-2.30pm, Simon Building 4.04
This project focuses on improving the management and storage of restricted and sensitive data. We are holding two workshops on this particular change project as the first will focus on the management of biomedical data specifically, and the later session will address sensitive data across the University as a whole. If you haven’t been invited already but wish to attend, then please email Eleanor Tivey.
Improvement of Researchers’ Cloud Resources (Project O)
Tuesday 6 November, 9.30am-11am, University Place 5.204
Thursday 8 November, 3pm-4.30pm, University Place 5.206
At present there is no official process in place to procure or access cloud resources. We would like to streamline the use of the cloud across our research projects for simpler and safer use, but before we do that we need to identify the exact needs of our research community. We recommend that any researchers currently using Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud or any other cloud provider, attend one of these workshops to ensure their requirements are met.