A new survey tool for the University
Qualtrics XM launches as the University’s preferred survey tool
The University’s Research Lifecycle Programme (RLP) is pleased to announce the launch of QualtricsXM, a powerful, simple to use survey tool used to conduct surveys, collect and store data and produce reports. Qualtrics is available to all staff and researchers at the University and is also available to students when required for their course.
The University’s Information Governance Office (IGO) recommends Qualtrics as the University’s preferred survey tool. Going forwards, Qualtrics will replace Lime Survey and Select Survey, which will become unsupported from July 2021.
Some key features of Qualtrics include:
- Easy-to-use survey editor, requiring no prior training
- Dozens of templates and sample surveys to customise for your own use
- Ability to download data into a variety of formats
- Qualtrics CoreXM – the survey platform, including reporting and analysis tools.
- XM Directory: You can consolidate all contacts data together in one place so you can easily run longitudinal or multi-touchpoint studies while also controlling segmentation, contact frequency, opt-outs and spamming
- Stats iQ: Automated statistical platform that makes analysis quick and easy, even for people with no statistical background, giving you the power to uncover meaning in data and identify hidden trends in plain English.
- Offline Mobile App: Allows the capture of survey responses via a mobile device not connected to the Internet. This is used most commonly for face-to-face interviews and also field research where there is no Wi-Fi connection.
- ExpertReview Response Quality: Qualtrics captures bots, survey ‘cheaters’ and more. Capturing ‘poor quality’ data early means that you don’t lose valuable resources (such as time and incentives). You can also ensure greater reliability of data.
- ExpertReview Compliance Assist (optional to implement): You can avoid capturing unsolicited sensitive data and Personable Identifiable Information (PII), eg phone numbers, numbers relating to your identity, etc. This will be flagged to the survey owners and participant and will stop them from seeing data that is not GDPR compliant.
- Actions: Create automated alerts or tickets based on conditions such as an ‘at-risk’ or ‘dissatisfied research participant’.
- Qualtrics Application Programming Interface (API) enables integration between Qualtrics and third party information systems and databases. This includes the automation of processes such as mass upload or deletion of data.
- Qualtrics is GDPR compliant and does not own or access your data without prior consent.
How do I access it?
Qualtrics is a web-based survey tool. It can be accessed using an up-to-date web browser. Staff can access a Qualtrics account by logging in with their University username and password and 2-factor authentication from Duo. Students can access Qualtrics, when required by their lecturer, by using their University credentials.
- Visit: www.qualtrics.manchester.ac.uk
- Further information can be found on the Support Portal’s Knowledge Base article (log in required)
Current users of Qualtrics
Some staff at the University already have a Qualtrics account through their department or school (eg AMBS).
If you already have an account, you should continue to use Qualtrics through your local instance and continue to create any new surveys in there. Your account, and all your existing surveys, will be migrated to the University instance in the New Year. If you work in AMBS there are local plans to migrate accounts and surveys – please read the following article:
Data Protection and use of highly restricted data
Qualtrics survey data will be held in the EU. Staff can use Qualtrics to capture highly restricted data as they will be required to log in using 2 factor authentication (2FA). As 2FA for students has not been rolled out yet, students currently cannot hold highly restricted data.
The University policies for Data Classification is available here:
Before creating any surveys, please ensure that you have completed the University’s online Data Protection training:
Online resources
There are lots of resources available to help you get started on Qualtrics, including guides and video tutorials:
- Getting started on Qualtrics platform
- Learn to use Qualtrics Research Core
- Qualtrics community forum
Help and support
Help and support is provided directly by the Qualtrics Support Team as opposed to the IT Support Centre. To get help from a member of the Qualtrics Support Team by chat or email, use the ‘Help’ option at the top right corner of your screen when you are logged into your Qualtrics account, or visit the Support page.
More about the survey tools project
Although the launch of Qualtrics is a product of the Research Lifecycle Programme’s survey tool project, it is available to all at the University. Currently, Qualtrics is paid for by the RLP for two years and will then be in the ITS core budget.
The next steps for the project are to await the implementation of 2 factor authentication for students and implement this in Qualtrics. This will allow better security and will give students the possibility to hold highly restricted data. The project will also be developing a REDCap service, a specialist survey tool for researchers in the Faculty of Biology, Medicine and Health, to be made available next year.
More information: