Project Q: Innovation Clubs
Register now to stay up-to-date on Digital Futures’ programme of Innovation Club activity. We invite academics and PS staff to join as we relaunch activity in the following areas:
- VR@Manchester
- Robotics
- Additive Manufacturing
- Imaging
- Data Science
- Mapping & GIS
The Project Q Innovation Clubs are targeted particularly at early career researchers, helping to build communities of practice around key digital research technologies and providing a forum for researchers to share their knowledge, experience and practical skills in these areas.
Register here to sign up to club activity and to join the shared Microsoft Teams space where members can network, discuss upcoming events, funding activity and research publications.
You can also register to attend upcoming club meetings being hosted by VR@Manchester:
Virtual reality and sonic interactions for good (Friday, 28 May 2021, 12:00 – 13:00)
In this meeting, Stefania Serafin (Professor at Department of Architecture, Design and Media Technology at Aalborg University, Copenhagen) will present different applications of VR developed at the Multisensory Experience lab at Aalborg University. Specifically, she will show examples of how VR can help children with anxiety to sing in front of a virtual choir or play a virtual musical instrument.
Cognition in the ‘wild’: s(t)imulating an adventure-mindset (Friday, 11 June 2021, 12:00 – 13:00)
This talk will spotlight the work of Dave Gallagher (Cognitive Scientist and Chartered Psychologist) on adventure training organisations including the charity MAST which takes youngsters out to sea on tall ships. Within this programme he aims to explore how VR can help train participants in the challenge and skills of sailing, as well as other applications of the technology to educate about the maritime environment and maritime heritage.