Update on the Highly Restricted Data project
The Data Safe Haven Service is the output of the Managing Highly Restricted Data project (Project S). The service aims to provide support and technology solutions to enable researchers to safely use restricted or highly restricted data for their research. A dedicated team provides consultation and solutions designed to adhere to stringent security standards set by the University and third parties data providers, including NHS Digital.
Project update
- Ongoing development of the cloud platform solution as the output for the Data Safe Haven Plus service. The key activities include minor bug fixing and building a more user-friendly interface with additional functionality.
- The first user testing session kicked off with a group of Python users. Further testing sessions are currently being planned. This will include user testing of R Studio, Jupyter Notebook and STATA on the cloud platform.
- Ongoing development of the service website. The website aims to provide information about the service in general, and some guidance that will be useful for researchers who are considering using the service, or who may be interested in learning about the service.
- Ongoing security proofing of the technology and processes, this includes updating the data management process and triage process for potential users.
- Ongoing staff training in preparation to launch the SafePod service in the Main Library.
Upcoming development
- Business change activity planning to implement the SafePod service. Part of this project output is to install a SafePod facility in the Main Library. This facility will allow researchers who use third parties data, such as the Office of National Statistics (ONS), to access the data here on campus without having to travel to the data centre in London. For more information about the SafePod, please visit the SafePod Network website.
- Development of the training materials and user manual for the Data Safe Haven Plus cloud-based platform.
- Validation and design of the service charging model.
- Finalise the IT Support Portal form as part of the service triage process for IT Services.
- Working with the library to update the library’s data management plan, which will include the Data Safe Haven and SafePod information as part of the secure data storage options.