Timesheet System – Early Adopters
Colleagues wanted to be Early Adopters for the new Timesheet system.
If you are a researcher who submits monthly timesheets, then you and your research group colleagues could be part of the early adopter team for the new Academic Timesheet System.
Research Finance and Research Lifecycle Programme are working together to improve the academic timesheet process required by research funders. The new solution has been procured from the supplier Vidatum. The implementation team are now in the process of delivering the solution and the next stage of the process is to conduct ‘real life’ testing. This will begin on 1st March. The Academic Timesheet System is extensively used in other Universities across the UK and Ireland.
If you would like to be an early adopter please contact Anthony Allen, Business Change Manager anthony.allen@manchester.ac.uk
Frequently Asked questions
When will the testing take place?
The main testing is expected to take place from 1st March 2023.
The early adopter testing will follow through to the end of the quarter accounting period for your project.
What will it involve?
The testing will involve submitting your normal monthly data via the Academic Timesheet System.
You will be asked to report any issues you have or challenges with inputting data or the reconciliation process to the project team.
There will be requests for feedback during the testing and a follow up debrief with members of the team.
Who will need to be involved?
All research group members who submit the timesheets, the PI’s, any other line manager and project managers for the research group will also be involved in testing the system.
After the testing is completed will our research group need to re-enter my data into the old spreadsheet?
No, you won’t need to re-enter data into the old system if your research group participates in the testing. The data will be moved into the live system at the end of the testing period.
Will research groups be able to carry on using the system after the testing period has ended?
Assuming all testing is successful, then yes research groups will be able to carry on using the Academic Timesheet System after testing phase has been completed.
Will Project Manager be able to review timesheets before they are signed off?
Yes, Project Managers will be able to review timesheets before they are signed off by the PI to ensure the time recorded aligns with budget plans.
Will project PI be required to authorise all timesheets for their project?
Yes, in line with the funder requirements the project PI will be required to authorise all timesheets for their project.
When will the Timesheet system be rolled out across all research groups.
Assuming successful testing, the roll out is due to commence in a phased manner on 10th May and it will be completed by the end of July 2023.