Research Data Management Archive and Preservation Service
The Research Lifecycle Programme and Research IT are reviewing the platforms that the University uses for the long-term, or cold, storage of research data once a project concludes. This will help to inform the development of a replacement system. The Programme is keen to ensure that new platforms meet the needs of researchers and their funders now, and in the future.
This project is looking for volunteers to join its new advisory board. Anyone with an interest in cold storage, either as a user, administrator or advisor is welcome to join the group. The group will be light touch with project staff seeking advice and guidance from existing and potential users via email alongside occasional short meetings. We would be especially keen to hear from existing users of the University’s RDS and Isilon platforms and those who may be planning their first research project.
Once assembled the group will advise on:
- The usability and value of current platforms
- The shortcomings of current platforms
- Identifying future needs
- Advising on management and governance requirements
If you would like to join the group or would like further information, please contact the project manager, caroline.martin@manchester.ac.uk