The Research Lifecycle Programme Showcase
Following a networking lunch Professor Colette Fagan, Vice-President for Research, opened the event offering warm praise for the programme and the individuals and teams across the University who have developed and delivered the programme’s ambitious projects.
Lightning Talks
Following Colette’s opening remarks, we were joined by six academics who spoke about how they have benefitted from some of the products and services that RLP has supported. The first videos in the list below link to our YouTube channel, where you’ll be able to watch them back.
- Guyda Armstrong – Manchester Digital Collections
- Alex Casson – Overleaf for scientific document preparation
- Polyanna da Conceição Bispo – The Research Risk Profiler
Recordings of the remaining presentations will be shared as soon as they become available.
- Emma Finch – Communicating Research Using Figshare
- Tom McDonald – Accelerating the academic optimisation of proposal costings
- Sophie Nixon – Harnessing microbiomes to help solve global environmental problems: How central UoM compute resource helps me achieve this goal
The Future of RLP
The panel discussion featured one of the programme’s academic sponsors, Professor Chris Taylor, the University’s Chief Information Security Officer Heather Lowrie, and RLP Programme Director Robert Haines. Much of the discussion focused on how the University, and RLP, will develop and deliver a Secure Research Environment.
The Secure Research Environment is a key part of RLP’s future work. The programme will lead a consultation exercise to gather a more complete picture of the challenges faced by researchers and the PS staff that support research. This understanding will help the programme to fully represent the needs of research and researchers during any security improvement initiatives.
You can read more about this work here: https://www.rlp.manchester.ac.uk/2023/11/23/sre/