RLP news and announcements
We publish our Research Lifecycle newsletter every month, with a very occasional extra message if we’ve got an event or timely piece of news we’d like to tell you about. We won’t use your email address for any other purposes.

Webinar: Introduction to Figshare at The University of Manchester
Learn more about the Figshare platform at our upcoming webinars on 18 and 19 May.

File Upload feature now available on QualtricsXM
We have upgraded the University’s Qualtrics licence to include a new feature called ‘File Upload’ which allows participants to upload a file along with their survey response.

April newsletter: Figshare: Our new research data repository
Featuring updates on Figshare, the Research Costing Tool, Qualtrics and Manchester Digital Collections.

WATCH: Qualtrics webinar recordings
In February and March 2021, we held webinars for staff to learn more about QualtricsXM. Watch the recordings here.

Qualtrics: Experience-first design updates
A note from Qualtrics about upcoming design changes to the QualtricsXM platform.

April update on the Research Costing Tool
Find out more about the most recent updates on the Research Costing Tool project, including the new launch timeline.

Figshare: Our new research data repository
Find out more about how Figshare can demonstrate the impact of your research and how you can help us develop this powerful new platform to ensure your needs are reflected.

March newsletter: What do you think of Overleaf?
Find out about where RLP is up to in it’s three streams of work, and how you can let us know what you think of Overleaf.

Update on the RLP’s 2020/21 focus areas
An update on RLP’s 2020/21 focus areas and where we are up to so far.

Overleaf Feedback
Have you used Overleaf? Let us know what you think!
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