RLP news and announcements
We publish our Research Lifecycle newsletter every month, with a very occasional extra message if we’ve got an event or timely piece of news we’d like to tell you about. We won’t use your email address for any other purposes.

Using the HPC Pool to help understand the fundamentals of metallic joints in next generation nuclear reactors
Find out more about the High Performance Compute (HPC) Pool – a resource that allows the University’s research community to address larger scale computational problems and take on research that previously exceeded our resources.

Data Safe Haven Plus: A new service for researchers working with sensitive and restricted data
The new Data Safe Haven Plus service is here to help you understand how to securely store and work with sensitive and restricted data in research.

November newsletter: Bringing Research IT platforms closer to you
The programme have now launched the edge compute service. Find out more and join us for a webinar on Thursday 26 November.

Bringing Research IT platforms closer to you
We are pleased to announce the launch of our Edge Compute service. Find out more about the service, the costs and how to request it.

CSF4: Our new Computationally Intensive Research Platform
Find out more about the brand new platform, the Computational Shared Facility 4 (CFS4), also known as ALAN (Advanced Linux Algorithms and Numerics).

November update on the Research Costing Tool
Find out more about the Research Costing Tool project’s forthcoming developments.

October newsletter: Using Overleaf for Literature Reviews
This month we are hosting another Overleaf webinar. Read the newsletter to find out more about this and other RLP projects.

Update: QualtricsXM purchased and will be major survey tool for researchers
We are pleased to confirm the purchase of QualtricsXM and hope to make the service available for use by mid-November.

October update on the Research Costing Tool
Find out more about the Research Costing Tool project’s forthcoming developments.

Webinar: Using Overleaf for Literature Reviews
Our next Overleaf webinar will take place on Thursday 22 October, 3pm – 4pm. This will focus on using Overleaf for Literature Reviews.
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