RLP news and announcements
We publish our Research Lifecycle newsletter every month, with a very occasional extra message if we’ve got an event or timely piece of news we’d like to tell you about. We won’t use your email address for any other purposes.

September newsletter: Introducing the Survey Tools project
This month we are pleased to announce the launch of the Survey Tools project. Read the newsletter to find out more about this and other RLP projects.

Summary report: Networking and Collaboration workshops
The networking and collaboration project (Project E) recently held a series of workshops and in-depth interviews with the research community. Read more to learn about the findings of these and nexts steps.

September update on the Research Costing Tool project
Find out more about the Research Costing Tool project’s forthcoming developments and new launch date next year.

Introducing: the Survey Tools project
The aim of the Survey Tools project will be decommissioning the existing survey tools at the University that do not fulfil user requirements, and replacing them with two best of breed tools.

An insight into a secondment post within the Research Lifecycle Programme
Research Support Manager, Traceyanne Sinclair, gives her insight on taking a secondment role within the Research Costing Tool project.

August newsletter: Launch of Overleaf at the University
This month we are pleased to announce the launch of Overleaf – a collaborative authoring tool for researchers, staff and postgraduate researchers (PGRs). Read the newsletter to find out more about this and other RLP projects.

Launch of Overleaf at the University
We are launching premium access to Overleaf, a collaborative authoring tool, for the research community, postgraduate researchers (PGRs) and staff at The University of Manchester.

RLP focus areas for 2020/21 academic year
An update on RLP’s focus areas this year after SCSC approved our business case.

Pure AMM now live
We are pleased to announce the launch of the Awards Management module (AMM) in Pure, which went live on Wednesday, 1 July. AMM, will be used to manage research funding applications and awards, including supporting online approvals.

August update on the Research Costing Tool project
Find out more about the Research Costing Tool project’s forthcoming developments and plans for further communication.
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