RLP news and announcements
We publish our Research Lifecycle newsletter every month, with a very occasional extra message if we’ve got an event or timely piece of news we’d like to tell you about. We won’t use your email address for any other purposes.

Medieval treasures available online
Key manuscripts from the mid-14th to early-16th centuries added to Manchester Digital Collections. Whilst we’re unable to physically access our collections during this period of unprecedented self-isolation, work on our digital collections continues.

Innovation Community Research Fund Showcase
Find out about our showcase event for the shortlisted projects in our Innovation Community Research Fund competition. Unfortunately, this event cannot be held in person due to the closure of non-essential University facilities, but we will still be holding the event via Zoom.

April Newsletter: Research networking and collaboration
Find out how you can get involved in the restricted data project and the research networking and collaboration project.

Interview with Dr Andrew Stewart: Research networking and collaboration
Dr Andrew Stewart, Academic Sponsor of the Research Networking and Collaboration project, gives us an overview of the project and upcoming opportunities for the research community to help shape the future of collaboration at the University.

Developing a service to help researchers use highly restricted data
Get involved in our short interviews to help develop solutions to better manage research projects that work with restricted data.

Open workshops: Support for Research Networking and Collaboration
Get involved in our workshops in May to help shape the future of research networking and collaboration.

March Newsletter: Update on the Programme
Find out more about how the programme is progressing and our upcoming lunch event and compute workshops.

Lunch with the RLP: Managing and sharing research data
Join us for lunch on Thursday 19 March to learn more about what the future of data managament might look like.

Update on the Research Lifecycle Programme
An update on what’s happened so far in the RLP, 18 months into it’s 5 year journey.

Video: What is the Research Lifecycle Programme?
This short animation briefly explains the Research Lifecycle Programme, which is a series of investments of over £15 million at The University of Manchester.
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