RLP news and announcements
We publish our Research Lifecycle newsletter every month, with a very occasional extra message if we’ve got an event or timely piece of news we’d like to tell you about. We won’t use your email address for any other purposes.

Letter to academic staff on behalf of Colette Fagan, Chris Taylor and Chris Pressler
The University is committed to the principles of Open Research, and aims to provide effective tools and support for researchers throughout the research lifecycle. This message is to inform you of two opportunities to contribute to advancing the University’s strategy...

Newsletter: Help for researchers to manage cloud resources and more project news
We are excited to announce resources and help for researchers to manage cloud resources and the opportunity to become an early adopter in Amazon Web Services. In addition, you can be in with a chance to win a £50 Amazon voucher if you take part in our survey for the...

Article: Help for researchers to manage cloud resources
Managing cloud resources If you currently pay for Cloud resources out of your own pocket or via a departmental credit card, we can help. Research IT has built a framework within Amazon Web Services (AWS), the biggest supplier of cloud services, which will enable...

Newsletter: Highly restricted and sensitive data, and 3D printing
We’re looking for people who work with highly restricted and sensitive data, and we still have a few spaces available for our 3D printing innovation community event.

Newsletter: Last chance to submit your ideas and news on the first ever innovation community meeting
Events and opportunities to get involved Reminder: Closing soon – Submit your ideas for IT support for research The call for ideas on infrastructure and applications to help support research will be closing on Friday 12 July. Make sure you submit your ideas before...

Newsletter: Progress in projects thanks to the research community and more opportunities to get involved
We’re looking for more people to get involved in our programme activities, including a search for a new timesheet software tool and a virtual and augmented reality innovation community. Progress has been made in quite a few of our projects, thanks to engagement and...

Newsletter: Our next innovation community event, progress on projects and a new events page
Over the last few weeks, the main focus of the Research Lifecycle Programme (RLP) team has been on progressing the 2019/20 business case. We are excited to announce our first innovation community meeting for virtual and augmented reality, a new events page on the RLP website and news about advancements in some of our change projects.

Newsletter: Innovation community and opportunities to submit your ideas
It’s been a busy few weeks for the Research Lifecycle Programme team. Our 2019/20 business case is truly underway and we have had a number of engagement events over the last few weeks, including our recent Lunch with RLP on innovation communities. If you missed the...

Article: Lunch with the RLP – Innovation Community
On Thursday 9 May, we held our second ‘Lunch with the Research Lifecycle’ open event, focusing on the ‘Design and build a Research IT Innovation Community’ project (Project Q). Three speakers featured at the event: Emma Finch on the Innovation Community Project, Scott...

Newsletter: Get involved – engagement events and tool testing
Our work towards our next business case is progressing. As mentioned in previous newsletters, it is a crucial time for community engagement. We want to ensure that your needs and priorities are at the heart of our business proposals. With this in mind, we would like to remind you of the upcoming workshops and engagement opportunities, and encourage you to take part and make your voice heard.
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