RLP news and announcements

We publish our Research Lifecycle newsletter every month, with a very occasional extra message if we’ve got an event or timely piece of news we’d like to tell you about. We won’t use your email address for any other purposes.

Research IT – Your Chance to Influence Investment

Research IT – Your Chance to Influence Investment

You may be aware that the University is currently undertaking a root-and-branch review of its IT support for research – the Research Lifecycle Programme (RLP) A ring-fenced investment of £15m is planned over the next 5 years, and the programme is currently...

Newsletter: Update on workshops and an open invitation

Newsletter: Update on workshops and an open invitation

In this update, we can report that the Administration stream post-award workshops have concluded, and that the outputs of the three workshops have been reviewed by the participants. We’d also like to invite anyone with an interest in research to attend our open house...

Presentation materials now online

Presentation materials now online

Materials from our introduction event are now available for downloadThankyou to everyone who expressed an interest in our Introduction to the Research Lifecycle Programme event on Wednesday 28 February.If you were unable to attend yesterday’s event, you can watch a...

Newsletter: Issue one

Newsletter: Issue one

The first edition of the Research Lifecycle Programme newsletterThe Research Lifecycle Programme kicked off during the second week of January, starting with stream 3 of the programme which is looking at the way we administer research functions. This part of the work...

Event: An introduction to the Research Lifecycle Programme

Event: An introduction to the Research Lifecycle Programme

Our 5-year Research Lifecycle Programme (RLP) will benefit all researchers at the University. Find out more at our event on Wednesday 28 February The RLP aims to deliver an improved research experience at The University of Manchester, and we’re keen for our research...

The Research Lifecycle Programme

The Research Lifecycle Programme

The Research Lifecycle is a 5 year programme of investments to support The University of Manchester in meeting its goal of being one of the top 25 research universities in the world, through a series of strategic investments in IT and associated change We have...