RLP news and announcements
We publish our Research Lifecycle newsletter every month, with a very occasional extra message if we’ve got an event or timely piece of news we’d like to tell you about. We won’t use your email address for any other purposes.

Newsletter: April 2022
This months newsletter was focused on the SafePod launch, our last engagements for RLP2 and an upcoming webinar on Figshare.

SafePod: Securely access research Data Centre datasets on campus
In collaboration with the ESRC SafePod Network, the University has now launched a SafePod on campus in the Main Library.

Last chance to help define the future of research support and infrastructure
The RLP team are hosting their final series of engagement workshops to get researchers’ views for a RLP2 business case on future investments to facilitate research.

RLP Project S: Highly Restricted Data Service engagement sessions
The Research Lifecycle Programme’s Highly Restricted Data Service (HRDS) project (Project S) held two engagement sessions for researchers and University staff interested in the development of our Data Safe Haven (DSH) service and our newly installed SafePod. During the engagement sessions we explained the necessity for introducing charges, later this year, for use of the DSH and REDCap services.

Webinar: Figshare research data repository
Sign up to this webinar to learn more about how Figshare, the University’s institutional research data repository, can support your research.

Colette Fagan and Angus Hearmon: Investing in research support at our University
Read more about Colette and Angus’ views on future investment into research support at our University through RLP2.

Newsletter: February 2022
Find out more about the Research Risk Profiler and RLP2.

Scoping the RLP2: Calls for engagement
The RLP team want to know how you would invest £20 million in supporting research activities.

Enabling research groups working with highly restricted data using Microsoft Teams for collaboration
Dr Kath Watson from the Biological Studies Research Group (BSG), led by Professor Kimme Hyrich, approached the Research Lifecycle Programme (RLP) team to ask for support in developing a protocol, to enable the BSG to use MS Teams for internal and external online meetings which discussed highly restricted data.

Research Costing Tool project: Decommissioning of pFACT
The research costing tool project aims to improve the University’s ability to accurately cost research activity and will allow staff to model costs throughout the lifecycle of a research project. BlackDackel, a web-based costing tool, has been implementedfor the current Research Services Support cohort. As a result, the project will now enter a decommissioning phase of the old, unsupported costing system, pFACT.
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