Design edge compute offering satellite storage (N)
We have:
Developed an Edge Compute service that can help researchers for whom the use of centrally-hosted platforms is impractical. For example, data that requires extensive screening, pre-processing or analysis, interactively or visually, before upload to Research IT and other platforms. Another is where local processing is required for instrument data before forwarding to central data stores.
Find out more about the service, and how to request support at: https://research-it.manchester.ac.uk/news/2020/11/02/closer-to-you-the-rit-edge-compute-service/
We originally intended to:
- Enable gathering and processing of data at the source
We planned to deliver:
- An inventory of assets and demand model for edge compute, with an infrastructure solution
The benefits:
- Reduced wait times to get equipment costed, procured and set up – increasing productivity and response to funders
- Better designed infrastructure and support for locally intensive computing requirements
- Better visibility of IT spend, economies of scale, and management of services to meet demand
- 2019 – 2020
Project Manager: Daniel Sanchez