Improve management, sharing, publishing and preservation of research data (U)
We have:
Made it easier for researchers to share their research data using platforms like Figshare.
Sharing research data makes it easier to start new collaborations, and adherence to the FAIR principles for data, Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable. Find out more about Figshare and Open Research Data at: https://www.library.manchester.ac.uk/services/research/open-research/data/
We originally intended to:
- Provide an integrated package of training, services and tools which will address researchers’ data needs at every stage of the research lifecycle
We plan to deliver:
- An institutional research data repository and publishing service
- An innovative socially responsible approach to working with data
- A digital preservation platform for research data
- Greater integration of support processes, technology and systems
- A training framework which embeds best data practice across the University
The benefits:
- Greater visibility, access to and reuse of datasets by our researchers and the wider research community
- Improved environmental sustainability and social outcomes
- Improved long-term preservation of research data assets
- Easier discovery of, access to, and use of services and systems for researchers
- Improved funder and regulatory compliance, management and availability of research data
- 2021 – 2023
Project Manager: Bill Ayres
Academic Sponsor: Dr Alex Casson